President’s Report – April 2024
The website continues to be updated and is the window for waterways history and information on our Association. I would like to thank Marty Tullemans for the hundreds of hours he has spent to date on modernising our website.
Our email address is monitored and questions will be answered. My thanks to our secretary Susan Martin-Baker for monitoring and managing responses.
NWPOA Christmas Function.
NWPOA Santa on the Canal was a great success. My thanks to Graeme Cadwallader for managing the event, Clive Burrows as Santa, and the committee for their assistance and participation.
Unfortunately, we were unable to have the usual Pipers on the Canal due to a last-minute boat availability issue but we expect the Pipers back next Christmas.
Thanks to the Coast Guard for the use of their boat for Christmas on the Canal.
The Redcliffe Coast Guard is a volunteer organisation and incredibly valuable to the Newport community.
NWPOA is delighted to have donated to the Coast Guard for the use of their boat for Santa on the Canal.
Photos of Santa on the Canal have been uploaded to the NWPOA website.
NAG (Newport Action Group)
After much soul searching a decision was made by NAG to close. The significant costs of a challenge, and the likelihood of success was the catalyst for the closure.
NAG have been an incredibly valued member of the Newport community. The level of work they have put in over several years in challenging council and local government will be impossible to replicate.
NWPOA is not NAG, but the committee will have a discussion to see how we can best provide limited assistance in the future.
Morgan Grant
NWPOA has been fortunate to have Morgan Grant, the secretary for NAG, with his knowledge of the history and intellectual property NAG has generated over the years join NWPOA as a committee member. His role is to be one of our representatives at the NWAG meetings where his knowledge will be invaluable. Through Morgan we retain the work done by NAG on the Revetment Wall issue.
Andrew Kelly
Andrew was at the general meeting to formally close NAG. He was concerned at the demise of NAG and offered his services to NWPOA. Andrew is well established operator of childcare centres in Queensland and Victoria. NWPOA is delighted to have Andrew with his skills join the NWPOA committee.
NWAG (Newport Waterways Advisory Group)
NWAG is Newport waterways owners’ direct access to council. (now City of Moreton Bay)
The NWAG meeting dates are as follows.
16 May 2024
22 August 2024
21 November 2024
The committee will circulate the NWAG minutes once received.
The minutes are well worth a read and if there are questions, please send them to our email address and we can table the questions at the next NWAG meeting.
There is an availability calendar on the website plus contact details. Please use as it assists managing trailer usage.
Date: Last Sunday of the month
Venue: Endeavour Park – directly opposite Newport Drive
Time: 3:30pm-5pm
Bring: Drinks, Nibbles and a chair (as it may be busy).
Members of your committee will be there. We would love to meet and greet.
Thanks to our 245 members. The committee trust everybody had a great Christmas and New Year, and we can all look forward to an enjoyable 2024.
Craig Baker
Our Waterways – Our Responsibilty

Graeme Cadwallader presenting our donation cheque to Coast Guard Commander Rod Grundy