President’s Report – August 2024
The website continues to be updated and is the window for waterways history and information on our Association.
Our email address is always monitored and questions will be answered. My thanks to our secretary Susan Martin-Baker for monitoring and managing responses.
NWAG and Newport Lakes Body Corporate (NLBC).
Our new committee members Morgan Grant and Andrew Kelly attended the August NWAG meeting and were valued contributors. Once the August NWAG minutes are received they wil be circulated to our members and will be interesting reading.
NWPOA has been in contact with Newport Lakes Body corporate and as a result they had their Secretary at the August NWAG meeting. All Lake residence pay a canal levy of $900 a property. There will be around 200 Lake properties when developed. The Body Corporate is keen to ensure value for their contribution. We are working together through council to ensure the best future outcome for Newport Waterways and Newport Lakes. The council discussion will be challenging and we will keep members informed.

Date: 30th September 2024
Day: Monday
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: Redcliffe Dolphins Leagues Club, Ashmole Road, (Dolphin HQ)
1. Opening and Apologies
2. Call for Proxies
3. Minutes of last AGM (27th September 2023)
4. President’s Report and Financial Statement
5. Receive the Accounts
6. Election of New Committee Member for next 12 months.
- All positions on the management committee will be declared vacant at the AGM with nominations
from the floor for all committee positions for the next 12 months. NWPOA has a non-discriminatory
policy with committee positions open to all male and female members of all ages from 18 to 99. - The positions are:
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Registrar, Website and IT Administrator, Trailer Manager,
Committee member/s.
7. General Business and Formal Motions.
NOTE: If you are unable to attend, please provide your proxy on the form provided.
NWAG (Newport Waterways Advisory Group)
NWAG is Newport waterways owners’ direct access to council. (now City of Moreton Bay)
The NWAG meeting dates are as follows.
16 May 2024
22 August 2024
21 November 2024
The committee will circulate the NWAG minutes once received.
The minutes are well worth a read and if there are questions, please send them to our email address and we can table the questions at the next NWAG meeting.
There is an availability calendar on the website plus contact details. Please use as it assists managing trailer usage.
Date: Last Sunday of the month
Venue: Endeavour Park – directly opposite Newport Drive
Time: 3:30pm-5pm
Bring: Drinks, Nibbles and a chair (as it may be busy).
Members of your committee will be there. We would love to meet and greet.
Thanks to all our members.
Craig Baker