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MBRC Maintenance Program

The Moreton Bay Regional Council undertakes a rigorous maintenance schedule of the Newport Waterways Canal System, including (but not limited to) the following: Vegetation Removal & Batter ‘top-up’ maintenance Canal Dredging - Hydrographic surveys are undertaken on a regular basis (pre and post dredging campaign) to determine depths of the canal…
9 February 2021

The Newport Waters Advisory Group

History of Newport Waterways Advisory Group (NWAG) Each quarter, the Moreton Bay Regional Council co-ordinates an Advisory Meeting which comprises representatives of the Council, representatives of the Newport Waterways Property Owners Association, and representatives of Seaside Estates (the developers). The purpose of NWAG is to promote positive communications between the…
7 May 2020

Pre-Dredging Survey

Jeremy Trotman at MBRC has advised the NWPOA that Hall Contracting - the Contractor for the Newport Canals Dredging Works - will be commencing their pre-dredging Hydrographic Survey within the Newport canal system, on Wednesday 8th April 2020. The MBRC expects that the survey work will be completed within one…
6 April 2020


Members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter (delivered by your Zone Captains to your letterbox) which contains updates on what is happening in the waterways - to view a Newsletter CLICK HERE.  If you would like to receive these Newsletters simply join by clicking the 'Become a Member' button on the top…
14 March 2020

FREE Use of Trailer for Members!

One of the BEST benefits of being a member of the NWPOA is FREE use of our courtesy trailer! There is also an adapter and net available if required. To book the trailer and view the calendar availability, go to the TRAILER BOOKING PAGE. We require details such as drivers'…
14 March 2020

Revetment walls, pontoons etc – need information?

The MBRC website has lots of useful information regarding canal maintenance intervention levels, revetment wall maintenance and responsibilities, pontoon guidelines.  To get to relevant section of their site CLICK HERE
14 April 2018